
Real quick, though: how are you guys not covering Difficult People?

Don't confuse Tina herself with the caracaturized version in 30 Rock! Careful

Can someone help me with what "authentic deviance" is, or how Lady Gaga co-opts queer culture? I was just talking with another friend of mine today about how we think her bisexuality gets overlooked. Again, I'm not really sure if this is what the author was referring to, but in my mind it's not possible for her to

Has anybody coined the hashtag #SpockTheVote yet? I'm dibs-ing it.

Didn't think I'd ever get to read an article on Hotel Dusk. Glad to hear somebody else was captivated by this game!!

Have we heard Garnet speak at all during this set of episode? Is Estelle on vacation, or are they building up to something with this?

Scrolled with increasing anxiety until I saw Bridesmaids. So glad to see it didn't get passed up!

I dunno how you can say that you don't get Empire after a 100% spot-on review. This show has gotten increasingly hard to like.

I love these reviews so much! I wonder if you have anything to say about the first three seasons of Torchwood, or if you have any recommendations for what to read? I finally started watching that now that I'm caught up to Who, and I'm really enjoying it so far. I would love to read a thorough dissection of it like

Nooooooooo!! :(

I was gonna say he's transformed into Handsome Neil! We're in this together, Joshua.

Mid-October 2013 has come and gone. :(