
I don't get how there could be 2 episodes that end with Kyle and Ike running away from home + all of the unanswered questions like "Member that time Caitlyn Jenner convinced Randy that the new Star Wars really as good as we thought it was?"

Try googling soporifically and then ask "is this a word haughty iambic pentameter pitchfork proclivity sedimental sentiment provocateur?" I'm a casual fan of her, but I enjoyed Sia's performance and song selection more than the last time she was on.

Seemed like all the good puns were already taken. :(

Last night I prayed to Carl Sagan and during the night he came to visit me in a dream. He said to me "Balls is also a slang term for testicles. If you make jokes about them on the internet it'll be instant gold."

Patriots just flew to Arizona today and boy are their arms tired.