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    I think within the season it's likely he'll die. Remember he's not a major character and given how a few characters are present in each episode he could easily pop in one and then have filmed 24.

    I forgot Tara existed until this ep honestly. After she barely appeared last season.

    Yeah I was gonna say he's appeared a lot lately. Like the gerald brokflofski of the Simpsons albeit South Park has a story arc this season while Simpsons never does.

    I really liked this episode. I'm glad Carol has her own thing going on and I liked the kingdom. Carol and Morgan are two of the most independent characters on the show and I think between that and negan the show could have a good balance.

    She was last year during S6 filming that's why she was rarely seen and shot from above the waist.

    Same here but Glenn was on borrowed time, no pun intended. I'll miss it.

    Same thing seriously, its literally like she disappeared. And thats odd for a show like this bc unlike shows where people can "leave" bc not all shows have death every episode, people who leave this show its bc they are killed. Yet shes kind of just chugging along. Very weird.

    Yeah I was surprised they didn't keep the pocket watch for a character but I guess that was just for Glenn. Also they were able to fit in 3 titles to replace Abraham and Glenn Bc Glenn's card was a few seconds.

    Who else loves finally that Josh McDermitt, Alana Masterson and Christian Serratos were finally promoted to the opening credits after almost 3 years.

    People will complain regardless. My point is they revealed who died, it's a shock to almost no one if you paid attention to those articles during the summer that had leaks, now time to see what happens next week.

    They could've devoted the first episode to Carol and Morgan, another for Enid and the kingdom and not even touch the death until late November. Bc screw everyone.

    I'm surprised they didn't wait two episodes to reveal the death.

    This show is literally a soap opera. It insists upon itself.

    Haha true. You can bash someone's skull in and cut off a boys arm but one nip slip or f bomb and the fcc is all over you

    I liked this episode. The calendar 2015 episodes dragged on so long.

    No way half these people never watch the show again.

    Yeah scissors still sexist apparently. Maggie cut her hair and Abraham maintains his face.

    Yeah they're either holding off on it or avoiding it. It makes sense from a financial Standpoint.

    Agreed. The deaths were expected due to various leaks but I really thought Carl's arm was a goner.