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    Well Schwartz said kids used to mail him letters asking to live with the Brady's or something to that extent. They obviously weren't serious but it's like Santa. It's the fantasy. It's what they see on tv that they want that isnt real.

    I guess the filmed death scenes for each character ended up being used after all for the parts with ricks imagination.

    I actually really do too. She can avenge for the two villains who killed Hershel and Beth. The governor and the hospital bitch. I forgot her name (Christine woods played it well though)

    I guess Shane, Gareth, Governor, Asshole drunk dad, carols asshole husband and Merle are all in the prison in the sky then.

    He probably does but with all that TWD money he's making I don't think he's complaining.

    Also reminds me of those people who would call Sherwood Schwartz to ask him if they could live with the Brady's.

    He's still around? I really forgot he's still alive. Same with Tara and Judith.

    I have a feeling that when negan dies it'll be Carl doing it.

    Agreed. Especially Carl. They wouldn't have wasted years building up that annoying kid without watching him do something worthwhile.

    Yeah it's only been like 2 years in TWD universe yet it feels like 10 in real life.

    True. Most old people can't understand reality Bc if their age. It's the young ones that are sick and think it's real that's worrisome.

    Well keep in mind we've only seen about less than an hour of negan. Only in that circle and in the trailer.

    He's only threatening in theory. He scares people and makes them feel helpless.

    Well TWD is synonymous with death. Dead is even in the show's title. It's a show where these characters are literally trying to survive each episode.

    I kind of like hate watching this show. Like I don't really hate it but it's gotten full of itself in the past few years. Ive just invested so much time that whatever characters are left that I still care about (Daryl & Carol) I just root for and want some sort of happy ending.

    I look at it as a few parts.

    Hell yeah I am.

    Yeah at this point the show insists upon itself. They know they have fans so they can move slowly and drag things out. It started really around season 4. The tone changed and last season was just slow torture over the course of a day.

    Well Rick is the show. It's like if they killed off Walt, Tony, Don, Dexter, or Jack before Breaking Bad, Sopranos, Mad Men, Dexter or Lost ended.

    I bet Lori, Shane, Tyrese and T Dog are there too. It must be a wonderful place.