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    huh? no it doesn't. it's said at 1:15:52 of a 1:30:05 download.

    cool story bro

    Maybe if he puts it on Netflix immediately at the end of the ten weeks, a lot of the people who bought it will be reluctant to buy the next experiment he does? Mindblowing concept I know. But, you're the business expert.

    In the last 5 years there have been umpteen articles written by economics/marketing guys about how revolutionary Louis' methods are. I would say he understands business very well actually.

    yep, you're 100% right :). i listened again the night after i made that post and realised it came back just before the credits.

    A lot of these bar discussions sound like Louis wrote a pretty mediocre stand up bit and then had four characters speak the routine.

    I'm really surprised no one has mentioned this, but there were audio issues with the episode early on, and at the end the audio definitely seemed to cut out.

    There are always 3 more slots of fading brightness below the current episode.