
For me, it's Conner Oberst and Bright Eyes. I think it's his quaking voice that does it.

The last person I need life advice from is a 64 year-old entitled douchebag. I've lived nearly as long as he has, and have contributed more to society than this dipshit has.

I thought that was alcohol? That's what Homer told me.

Umm, I feel compelled to comment. I'm an older guy who has gone through some crap when it comes to coming out. Absent the situation that Billy Madison cites (tuition, living arrangements, etc.), the best thing is to come out. I put it off for far too many years, and regretted it. I didn't come out 'till I was 40, and

Idiotking, I enjoy your commentary, stories, advice, etc. I save Savage Love, your tales (and Savage Dik's advice) for Friday nights. Hence, I don't have much to add as most everybody has said something similar to what I'd have to say by the time I get here to read this mumbalajaya (new word, only usable with the

Oh,Lawdy, Dan has made this needlessly complicated with chips and dips and all.

Thanks for posting that. Love the song, the 88 and of course, the show. Sad that the coolest shows are either under the constant threat of cancellation, or eventually do get canceled.

Yeah, forget about the sex work for a minute.

I will forgo my usual role of spectator of this wonderful festival of weirdness and ask: Does she have anything else going for her aside form being "incredibly cute"? Like common interests, engaging personality or perhaps a vast fortune that she is willing to share? Alternatively, does she like rimming contests?


Because he's a dumb-ass.

Okay, you people don't know me, and probably don't want to. But you have been amusing me for quite some time.