
It's not. -JJ

Plus Carhartt jackets are pretty expensive, Luke's clothing budget must be crazy.

It's damn near as Pulitzer Prize worthy as, We Don't Need Superman.

The Night King can kick him out of a warged animal with a glance, I doubt Bran can wrest control of a dragon away from him.

It really bugs me that it isn't obvious that Jonah is holding up a mirror to show Cambot, that was favorite bit from the originals.
Aah, that feels better to get out.

Things are happening offscreen that would have been season long arcs earlier in the show, it is a little jarring.

Tyrion and Sansa… they both stayed alive at least.

Yes! That bugged me so much last night.

The food issue is real, hopefully Greyworm figures out how to fish or realizes he isn't in a good spot and heads off somewhere clever. Maybe the Twins? Probably food there and maybe no army to deal with.

Sam has done two things, steal a book one night then tell Jon about it, and heal Jorah one night. Every other day is study with the Maesters time, the only thing to explain is when those two things happened, which could have been months apart.

Jon really should have sent Sansa to handle this.

I'm liking the scene I have in my head where Arya asks Sansa's permission to kill him off. That probably won't happen, but my money is still on Arya killing him.

Jon couldn't just bend the knee without getting anything for it, it is the only thing he has to offer. I don't understand why he didn't try any kind of negotiation. He didn't even mention the dragonglass which was the entire reason he went there.

Primogeniture is important for one thing, it gives nobles who have a problem with the King a reason to try and overthrow him. I don't think a King has ever stepped down just because someone showed up with a better claim than him, nor has there been a civil war where everyone fought on the side of the guy with the

I was really hoping he would slap Euron with his gold hand this episode.

Yes, then the Rains of Castemer can play over the frozen wasteland that was Westeros. At this point, it's the only ending that really seems possible.

I thought they did a really good job subtly foreshadowing that. There is a video out there that shows all the small bits of dialogue from the first couple seasons that a first time viewer would never notice, but is very convincing when put all together. I do agree that the actual reveal was not terribly well done, it

Why did the two dozen guys pointing arrows at Ramsey not shoot him?

Foreshadowing a future event and foreshadowing the reveal of a character's past are two very different things.

It is possible that dragons don't care much about bloodlines at all. Then Tyrion could ride his dragon and we wouldn't have a weird plotline come out of nowhere.