
Game of Thrones. Where even narrative building season premieres are excellent.

You're sadly missing out then.

It was definitely rushed. But a fitting end nonetheless. The fact that we even got this final season was a blessing. This decade long journey has finally come to an end and I cannot be any happier for the rollercoaster its provided me.

I'm familiar with the gripes you mentioned and I still disagree. Someone will always have a grievance with how social issues are portrayed. Not one form of medium will ever fully encompass a spectrum of cases that are within the domain of mental illness. I thought it did a good job at capturing the perpetual darkness

Never thought an episode of Samurai Jack would make me aroused. Needless to say…. well done.

COURTNEY???! You're defending Courtney? Okay, have a nice day. That's all I needed to hear. Sorry you didn't like it.

Not particularly

Infuriating state?

Can't believe there's only three more episodes of what can arguably be one of most fantastic final seasons of any series.

Bless his soul

Thank you! Hope you enjoyed the finale.

Precisely. The execution is always the most integral part in a story, which is what Bates Motel did wonderfully. That's why the finale felt satisfying because it worried about the execution and not the destination.

True, and I definitely see your point. Norman was like a shrapnel bomb. When he let off, he hurt everyone in the vicinity of him. As much as I liked his character, from a narrative and logistic point of view, he needed to die.

Lovely analysis and I completely agree with it all!! The ability to ground a maniacal killer into someone worthy of redemption proves that this show is a hallmark in writing. The ability to subvert cliches and make them into something poetic is this series biggest strength.

He is?! How does he think we feel?

Norman was always a product of his mother's vices and his own terrible childhood. I just couldn't find it to hate him because I knew that he was a good soul deep down. After he killed Norma I actually did detest him, but this season grounded him monumentally. That's why I love this particular season.

Mother of the undead. Queen of Andals and the first men, breaker of chains…. wait sorry I'm getting into the wrong show.

Thank you Bates Motel for allowing me to love someone as deranged as Norman. Thank you for letting me view mental illness from perspectives I would never normally know. Thanks for telling a vivid story about one boy's struggle with his demons. Thank you for being a story so many people need to see.

Probably. It would be very ironic for them to date. Him falling in love with Aku's products of despair is kind of twisted in a cool way, in my opinion. Ashi's character development has been lovely, so even if they do become a couple if it's executed with subtlety and poise, I won't mind.

Moving to Adult Swim was a brilliant decision. Having the option to be raw made this show bring out even more potential.