
Finally! I've been missing the wonderful cattiness of Walton Goggins.

That was hilarious but it was so hard to watch

You Timheads are so delusional. First you say Blu-ray is superior to VHS (can you buy "Homefries" on Blu-ray??? I think not!) and now you say Mr. San (not a real doctor!) is still alive. When will you accept the fact that San is a cowardly fraud and Tim is a crook! #LockHimUp #RestoreTheVictorvilleFilmArchive

You Tim-heads are the worst. Tim is just as responsibility as the fraud Mr. San (not a real doctor). Tim promoted Mr. San for years and now is acting like he didn't! #LockHimUp! #ElectricDunceFestival #BringBackWCFields

Sounds a lot like "Prognosis Negative"

Anyone else think Jon Heder could make a good Butthead?

It was Brad Pitt's body. But then again it wasn't them causing all these deaths, it was the idiots involved. The CIA was just trying to fix a messed up situation.

I couldn't have put it better myself

Were there villains in that movie? I think if anything the CIA were the good guys because they were just trying to maintain order.

One of my favorite's is the phone call between Brad Pitt and John Malkovich.

Congratulations, you made a problem where there was none. Is it fun to always find something new to complain about?

I agree that the art direction was clear but they didn't really do anything all that new. There was a short film called "Noah's" that premiered at TIFF over two years ago that was shot in pretty much the same way.

For me it's the Goodfella's prison cooking scene. That tomato sauce looked delicious

I actually just got into (and got done with) this show. At first I was disappointed when I it was over, especially when the finale was so damn good. I didn't even realize how invested I was in the characters until it ended. But now that I think about it, it's so bad that it ended. I mean even though there is a bit of