
Because Kevin has been acting super suspicious lately. When he was reading his statement to the cops it just all sounded so fake. He knows more about what happened that night, plus he's been a main focus of the show…why else would he be such a prominent character if he did nothing that night and saw nothing.

Wow this episode was just really amazing, so many revelations. I'm kind of disappointed that Eric was involved because I really love his character, his speech to the coach was heartbreaking and then for the coach just to leave him right after he confesses all of that was sad. My guess is that they went to hook up,

I really hope this show becomes popular but sadly I don't hear a lot of buzz about this show at all. And everyone that I've mentioned this show to has never heard of it, so I'm worried. Plus I don't know if people will have the patients for this show. I've really loved what I've seen so far (through episode 8). Things