Jack Sparrow

Maybe there is another tourist town in the park besides Sweetwater, possibly a Walnut Grove kind of place? It might be a little hard to answer "Daddy, Why did that that man shoot that big cowboy as soon as we got off of the train?" otherwise.

Interesting idea but hopefully it doesn't end up being Quantum Leap World where they constantly jump from one time period to another completely unrelated one with absolutely no connection between them other than playing Where in the Worlds is Maeve, Jr.

We saw a couple of families in the park. The scene where Dolores was painting horses by the river and then showed the young boy how to pet them and let him feed them a carrot was especially nice.

You chose wisely!

I have never understood how people got that he was MiB after the 2nd episode. It all seemed like a complete guess in my opinion until the 2nd half of the season. In the first two episodes the two characters acted completely different, not to mention the obvious facts that Ed Harris has no mole, is 3 inches taller

I'd see it the exact opposite. Ford is very old and we have no idea about his health (well, other than the fact that he is dead!). Maybe he constructed a host version of himself and uploaded his mind to it to extend his lifespan and continue working.

Walking Dead is still on?

Standing ovation! Best analysis of this show I have ever seen!

She is a One Armistice Bandit for sure!

Just pick up weapons dropped by the guards when they get shot.

We really don't know what her programmed goal was. Maybe she exactly followed her script and just maybe, Felix did as well.

We haven't seen exactly how the hosts function but we have seen their vital statistics such as respiration and heart rate. Having their bodies work biologically almost exactly like human bodies would make it possible to do to them all of the things which can be done to people. They could be killed in thousands of

We don't know for sure that he raped her and we don't know that episode one was the only time he drug her to the barn as was shown. My theory on that encounter was that he was trying to spark her to life by torturing her like he accidentally sparked Maeve to life by torturing her and killing her child (in Dolores

I think the new narrative is an exact recreation of William's first trip to the park, and his journey with Dolores, designed to spark her back to consciousness as a gift to the MiB. This is why he spared Lawrence's town from the mining equipment while building it because MiB needed to visit it to find the entrance to

Hypothesis: The host Ford is building is a robotic version of the MiB. His mind will be transferred to it and he will be able to stay with the re-enlightened Dolores forever in exchange for his blocking the board's takeover of the park. This whole season has been a love story and what better end to a love story than

Thanks! Swing and a miss!

Also, how is this not flagged as a major security situation with Maeve being way out of her normal range and armed with a shotgun killing the bandits? This whole situation is a complete breakdown of her loop.

Also, when the guests are sleeping they have no idea how far the train travels.

I would like to hope that we won't still be using flash drives 50 years in the future! ;)

My theory on this is that the federal government sold off some of its land holdings in Utah due to a debt crisis. Westworld is Canyonlands National Park in the future.