John Smith

Imagine an imbecile leader accidentally becoming incredibly successful at others' expense, and appearing to be an evil genius to everyone else?
Kind of a rags-to-riches story for the idiot, while the good guys fail to take down the 'mastermind' because they overestimated him.

And Inception where you forgot about it until it's brought back again.

The message still gets me- that you have to suffer all your life, with no escape, and any hope will be taken away in the most humiliating way.
I mean, why doesn't Malcolm just slit his wrists and get it over with? Oh right, cos he'd wake up to the family staring angrily at him and Lois saying his hospital bills cost

I can relate even more to my doctor mom; this episode was *very* close to home - knowing where you are at all times, no compromise when there's greater priorities, the need to hide anything that could panic them, asserting that you're less capable than you are… And after all that, still expecting your honesty.

I hate how accurate and insurmountable that is.

It was about to get a franchise, and the President being a patron probably made it famous enough for writer-dude to hear about it.

Isn't Bubblegum wearing Marceline's usual clothes as well?

I'm Ghanaian and I always squee when I recognize another on TV, Nana afua and Kofi's accents are perfect.
And of course, Nana is perfect in every way, she should solve mysteries with ghost fish resurrected from the dead.

Considering that Adventure Time is a Dungeons and Dragons homage and that most of the episode is Ice King putting unrelated characters in dungeons for his own amusement/profit, I think this is as much a jab at D&D/RPG fans as shippers.