Josh Moore

Don't you remember from previous episodes, Martin's past life is hazy as he can remember and probably amnesia from a battle accident is what caused him to be a jerk ad can't remember Finn as his son, at least to what I think of it.

Man Betty will definately be the potential wife for Ice King now… only if she can be his type of lady even with manic powers.

Even filler episodes can be fun.

It's obviously a good episode for me. Not one of my favorites this season but it was much better than Walnuts and Rain, at least for me. I thought a bunch of parts were funny and enjoyable like the puppet show and the part with Morty going insane but I felt the annoyance with Chips and Ice Cream said over and over

I was kind of wondering when Amethyst will reform after Pearl and Garnet did. I guess it came sooner than I thought.

I managed to rewatch the episode and it was Connie who said it. It was after Jamie finds out about who wrote the letter. I misunderstood what Connie was talking about Jamie with the mail. I thought she said something about him with a male. Sorry about the couisidence.

I'm kind of annoyed with the abruot endings myself sometimes but only in certain episodes.

A spinoff with PB when she was younger would be a better idea IMO.

I'm quite shocked that Kate Micuicci is guest starring in next week's episode from what I read during the credits. This and next week's episode are pretty much the closest thing of some sort we'll get to a Steven Universe and Adventure Time crossover IMO because you know, the Adventure Time crew wants to avoid doing

I'm surprised no one here has mentioned the part where Steven recommended Jamie to get with a guy (since Garnet is basically 2 gems datings). I thought that part was genius.

I have yet to see a AMV with Jamie and Garnet singing A Whole New World.

Well it's official with Dust Buddies, Belson and his mom are basically the Cartmans of the Clarence universe. In fact, the plot with Belson cleaning reminded me of the episode Tssst.

I'm surprised Ice King still kept that book that he tried to get Fiona and Cake from.

Steven the Hitman FTW!

Anything will be good as long as Cartoon Network doesn't pull a Nickelodeon on it.

At least Greg's song from the sneak peak was kickass.

I'm guessing they grow taller after each time they regenerate. I remember Pearl grew a bit taller after hers in Steven the Sword Fighter.

Watching this makes me wish for a Steven Universe prequel mini-series / full-on series with Rose as the main character before she met Greg. It's a great idea and I would watch it.

At least with VHS, you get the nice cases.

Really great work! VHS was a part on my childhood. While we did a DVD player until maybe 2001, me and my family still mainly bought VHS tapes while growing up in the late 90's and early 00's. I still watch one of my old VHS tapes of Disney classics every once in a while to get the nostalgic feel.