Josh Moore

Seriously, if we can have hamburgers and chicken mcnuggets for breakfast, I'll be happy.

The best non-canon joke came from here, I can't believe it!

I have a feeling he was spending time with Sadie or even Ronaldo (they did seem to reconcile their friendship in Horror Club).

Yay Steven's not grounded from the TV! This deserves some selfies. Now he can catch up with Connie watching her favorite show (without her parents knowing).

Seriously I was going to be so mad if Steven told Connie he didn't want to be friends to her face. Wouldn't anyone else be? Those 2 are destined for each other.


Who's in favor of Lapis in joining the Crystal Gems?

Speaking of that, Steven's friendship with Connie might be in limbo tommorow because the plot involves not wanting to talk about the what happened tonight's episode.

I was really hoping to see what the Gemworld actually looked like. Looks like we'll have to week for another long season for that to happen.

Amethyst I think can pretend sleep like she did with Steven's Lion. Garnet I think might be perfect for replacing Pearl in watching Steven sleep.

Especially when she's in a bathing suit.

Onion my favorite minor character never stops being awesome.

I was expecting Beach City to go total Lord of the Flies insane in this episode. I mean the city going completely crazy than usual with no power, it could have worked, especially if this is the episode that comes before Peridot's invasion tommorow and if the power didn't came back at the last second.

So I guess this means were not going to get the third season after all now that the second season is sort of split into 2? But I'd rather have this show based on qulaity than quantity.

I always had a feeling the Gem Homeworld would be more advanced than Earth's. Didn't expect Lapis to not be the cause of this. Can't Thursday come a day sooner? I'm getting more and more excited each episode passes.

Depending on how it ends, I'd like to see Gravity Falls do a dark Christmas Special with the Pines Twins visiting Gravity Falls around the holidays sometime after the summer. It could work.

I'm really intrigued on how their going to keep this season going now that brother is out of the portal. You'd expect them to start doing this play maybe around 3/4 into the season.

This season is supposed to be around 20 episodes according to Alex Hirsch.

AV Club you do care! Now I don't have to post anything Steven Universe on the future Adventure Time reviews.

I actually remember Rugrats Go Wild did do something like that when it came to theaters and its home release where they had you scratch and smell a certain scent when numbers came on the bottom left onfthe screen