
Bang on .Time doesn't stop them coming up with a decent Arguably the best fight scene on AoS (Daisy going all John Wick during the Ultron set up episode)was dreamed up the night before shooting ,had 3 hrs rehearsal time and was filmed in 4 takes with the actress who broke her arm during filming .
I notice from the

Alpha Flight then . Carol and Abigail both work for them

And opens the book of Cosmic stuff

It's got a full 22 episode order

SHIELD gets a huge jump in the Live+7 so most people are watching it at the weekend anyway .

The St Ignacius Wolfpack Trifecta all got their shows renewed

Crystal if anyone .Daisy has ended up being the go between for SHIELD and the Inhumans with Crystal as her contact in the books .Daisy of course is currently back in the new Secret Warriors with Moon Girl (Hope is a MG doppelganger) and Kamala who has to turn up either in AoS or the movies sooner or later

Inhumans as well as Cloak and Dagger and New Warriors are all in the MCU .

Briana Venskus is currently on 4 different comic book shows at the same time

He is one of the Whedon players by marriage (he is Mr Dichen Lachman) .Him ,his wife and their at the time unborn kid have all appeared on the show

Thanks to NBC for cancelling Taxi-Brooklyn (where Chyler was also a badass)

Remember when bug guy stabbed her in the leg and she pulled the stinger out and killed him with it ? Or when she fought Jem with all the guns she had left at strategic points .

I'm waaaaay behind on Supernatural but there is a SHIELD connection to it now .
IRL Yo-Yo was bridesmaid at Jared's wedding and her husband (whose music has been used on Spn) was a groomsman

I had a Remar sighting this week (and he is back next week ) on NCIS-LA as a retired SEAL Admiral .They are apparently resurrecting AJ Chegwiden from back in the JAG days to replace Miguel Ferrer (RIP) .So Remar was running round shooting shit and telling LL Cool J he sucked as AJ's wingman

Both Yo Yo and Daisy's dads gotta mention .

Reasons being the same one they have used to turn Fitz into a Muggle Hunter for the Ministry like his Da .

It was also very Red Room from Agent Carter where Dottie was trained

They might not name her as Moon Girl but she sure does have that feel .

I get the feeling that Hope is a version of Moon Girl without the big red dinosaur .They hinted at her being Inhuman as well

They can't do the character Viper .Fox own the rights to that