exactly. i was writing papers, graduating with honors drunk and then in grad school i started drinking more and more and losing my shit. it seems sudden to those of us in denial. kudos to the show for implicating the audience in the addiction.
exactly. i was writing papers, graduating with honors drunk and then in grad school i started drinking more and more and losing my shit. it seems sudden to those of us in denial. kudos to the show for implicating the audience in the addiction.
hmmm, a smart, sensitive girl enters her teens and starts destroying herself for a guy. yeah thats totally unbelievable, dunno what made up statistics the writers could have gotten that from.
falls on? well yeah because we're the ones taking the pill. thats called being human. theres no irresponsibility to presume (yet). …but this thread is enlightening in how much our language just already goes to shit on women.
true. she has wanted (deservedly so) to have her own story and shine…and when that desire's mixed with hormones, intelligence and a lack of options — yikes.
ok but can you also know that pregnancy occurs (actually quite a lot) on both control? that Fiona's in her most fertile years? you could've shown this to presumably (hopefully) any 30something woman and she'd have cut that section you wrote.
omg yes thank you. I'm reading this review like "did a 15 yr old boy write this?" much of this reviews take comes from ignorance on the part of the writer.
"but the idea that they would happen to Fiona Gallagher does not ring true for me." — okay no no no no no i have to interject here. The pill is not 100%, nothing is. I was on the Pill for years, religiously, got pregnant. A friend had an IUD, also got pregnant. Shit/Life does happen. be fair. If anything this season…
exactly BUT bert's not a piece of shit. folks here are reacting as if he's in their office in 2014. nope, that's just normal talk. so let's dampen the pearl clutching here. i think some people are bristling at the fact that their parents, grandparents, cousins, etc who were alive and well at this time probably talked…
Black social media is going crazy over this episode and rightly so. This episode…every single scene, EVERY SINGLE SCENE with Dawn and Shirley should be required viewing for white people about racist macro/microaggressions. My timeline is filled with folk sharing our stories of getting called the name of the other lone…
all of this. though i think i would've given this episode a straight F. i think thats the last episode i can bear to watch. i agree with you, this has just devolved into triggering and exploiting our basic fears, its crap.
did we see his pocked face in that scene or was he far away?
maybe this was already mentioned but didn't they come across that lawnmower man before? Rust and Marty passed him by for something, i can't remember….