
Here you go - 1987

"So the stuff that is happening to Nomi… does that really happen these days in what appears to be a normal hospital? Some wacko Doctor can just fake a diagnosis and lobotomize a person against their will? I mean, her mother wouldn't have any say over what happens to her at that age."

But that's Nomi. She's a blogger, it's how she processes - she talks it out. Where Sun can just look inscrutably grave and say, "I miss my dog," in a way that conveys just as much as one of Nomi's "What if I really am going to die?" tailspins that she needs to talk through with Neets - it's what she does.

I still do.


We don't know that he is more powerful as a sensate, really, although he has clearly been experimenting and practicing for years and is a more experienced one, with a better idea of what he can accomplish. Brief eye contact may be all any sensate needs. It is probably all Sara Partrell ever had with Will, or all Yrsa

When Sun is going through intake at the prison (overlapping with Lito at a televised interview), she is asked about her sexual activity and says her last time was "a while ago", which could be months or years, but at least suggests she's not inexperienced, just has other things her life is about.

I think Season 2 will build on that. We have the tension of Yrsa's strong reaction against romantic entanglements in a cluster to balance against Jonas/Angelica's relationship which may have resulted in the birthing of the 8/8 cluster. We have no idea how that works. I need to go back and watch Limbic Resonance much

Rajan is a nice guy. He's a good potential husband. Only thing stopping Kala is that she is not in love with him.

So far, the only members of the cluster to be IDed by Whispers & co. are Nomi, Will and Riley. Kala, Lido, Sun, Van Damme and Wolfgang are, so far as the evil corporation goes, unknown.