
As a communist, Im ALL for democracy - Just real, direct democracy. In fact, that's what anarchist-communism is pretty much entirely about. Once again, you mistakenly prove you don't know anything about the topic .

The fact you think theyre all "varieties of marxism" kinda proves you're stupid though, is the thing.

Once again, not all leftists are communists and not all communists are marxists… and not all marxists are stalinists. God, you really never stop.

How does it "always lead to genocide"? Seriously, explain this. I'm curious to see your reasoning. What about Anarchist-Communism, or Luxemburgism or Left-Communism or Anarcho-Syndicalism or Communalism?? Are they all evil too? Why? You seem to just be throwing Stalinist strawmen in people's faces.

The nazis were mostly defeated by the Russians - Not that I consider the USSR to be communist in the first place, but still… Apparently its not just leftist theory you're ignorant about, but history too.

Anarchist Spain

Zack is right. Please actually read some damn Marx. Mao, Stalin etc. all entirely distorted Marxist principles. In what way did either of those societies have communally owned means of production? As for Mao, his whole third worldism thing is crazy - not that you'd know what im talking about, since your entire

Marxists condone genocide, eh? You mean the ideology thats entirely based on making people equal? I'm guessing your refering to state capitalist shills like Stalin…. Most modern leftists disagree with Stalin quite severely. Something tells me you havent researched radical leftism very much.

Most Americans don't know shit about leftist politics. On the bright side, at least most americans know marxism exists, even if they misinterpret it completely - But when I tell Americans I'm an Anarchist-Communist, it blows their mind because they assume "communism" means "when the government owns everything and

Exactly, as a radical leftist, it often disgusts me to see how easily the liberals bow down to fascism. Pacifism is nice in theory and all, but it simply doesn't work. It may be unfortunate, but no major change has ever taken place in society without physical struggle. Americans are all for revolution when its the

Pacifism is just as bad as compliance. This is why I hate liberals (no, I'm not conservative - I'm a radical leftist, we kinda hate liberals too but for opposite reasons) - It may be unfortunate, but no major change has ever taken place in society without physical struggle. Americans are all for revolution when its

Has it been long enough that I can go back to considering Robin Williams a joke thief and a hack yet? It's tragic as hell that the dude died - especially under the circumstances it happened - but all this sudden hero worship of the guy is crazy. It's not like he was this beloved before he died. And the guy was

Dead Can Dance and Cocteau Twins sorta fit that bill… I realize I'm replying a couple years too late, but whatever….

All goth kinda stemed from punk. It's basically a subgenre of post-punk.

"Murphy sang “Stigmata Martyr,” but that’s as close as Christian Death’s contemporaries came to the direct engagement with organized religion that “Cavity—First Communion” heralded" - What about The Birthday Party's "Big-Jesus-Trashcan"?? Early, heroin-addled Nick Cave was every bit as vicious when it came to

None of these idiots seem to realize that the stunt HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. I mean, damn, you see him preparing to do it in the trailer! You're worried it'll hurt the snake? Well obviously the snake was fine, or they probably would never air it. No matter what, a snake already has swallowed and spat up a live human… It

I just realized something… After the first couple (unimportant) guys got their throats slit and bled out, why didn't they turn into zombies while the Terminus people were talking to Rick and them? I don't remember anyone destroying their brains, and everyone who dies turns into a zombie - not just those who get bit.