
I agree, I struggled to care about the Lowe's all season.

IA, this season basically just collapsed right before the finale to the point where it felt, well, pointless.

I actually think it's not bad for AHS standards, but definitely not perfect.

This movie sounds like a mess. I was actually looking forward to a depressing Sofia Coppola version of it because at least it would be a little different than the usual fairy tale adaptation.

I think The Countess just liked killing for the thrill of it. She's presented as homicidal and crazy as Mr. March.

Is this sarcasm? SQ was a flop straight out the gate.

Yeah, the Chanel's wardrobe was so cartoonishly tacky, I wished they had dressed them more current. It kind of reminded me of how OTT and on-the-nose Disney Channel shows are with their costuming.

I think she is surprisingly good at playing the sweet ingenue, which is the perfect type of role for someone who is not the best actress, but has charisma.

Welp. Ryan has interesting ideas and is a good showrunner/creator, but he's just not as a good as a writer as people like Tim Minear and James Wong IMO. Like, he can think up things, but is not so great at executing them very well.

Ryan needs to stop if he's just going to continue to write episodes like this. Last week was so enjoyable…and then we get this. It brings down the season a bit.