The Fat Man

What would you say is more influential as far as action movies go? I don't think anything else is even close really.

At least in 300 the villains are so othered that they seem almost unreal and alien, I know a lot of people who like that movie and never made the connection because of how weird the villains are. In BoaN the villains are just all black people, it's way more on the nose.

I didn't say it would forever be the most influential, and it sounds cooler than "since 2000"

It's the most influential action film of the 21st century, so ridiculous to not cover it. It's in a completely different class than all other superhero movies.

That comparison is actually unfair to Birth of a Nation and 300, BoaN was wayyy more influential but also wayy more racist.

Static Shock is easily the worst of the DCAU shows (including Zeta) it caters wayy more to kids than any of the other shows and is way more typical Saturday Morning Cartoon fare. Shaquille O'Neal guest stars as his freaking self in the show, that says it all.

Oasis - Stay Young

whooah, he really tarnished his brother's good name


yeah but it's never wrong to do two hands, like if someone's younger than you and you do two hands they won't think you're like bringing yourself down to their level or anything you just seem like a magnanimous guy. Also it can be hard to tell Korean's ages between like 19-32 and seeing that I fall in that age range I

the rules for Soju aren't that strict tbh, also you're never supposed to pour for yourself for like literally every beverage if you're with other people plus technically you're supposed to receive and give everything (not just Soju) with two hands if you're being especially polite in Korea. Also Soju is like $1 a

so fucked up Mike Love can get away with calling that sorry rabble The Beach Boys.

man FX killing the game

Such a bullshit win . . . how can they consider him more worthy than McCarthy/Pynchon/Roth (to name a few)?

Finnegan's Wake was actually a quicker read than Infinite Jest, but I really do not understand it at all, without a doubt the most confusing book I've ever read.

I read Infinite jest and blood meridian and they were both amazing. I also read Finnegan's wake and i didn't get it at all i think.

seriously? Rome isn't even worth mentioning? Isn't that what most people know him from?

judgment as in "he was definitively guilty" yeah he's a weird guy, but it's very hard to say he's a horrible person with any sort of substantial evidence

I think there are very few reasons to pass judgment on Allen, and many many reasons to not believe the Farrows

The reason Allen keeps getting work is because if you actually read the details of the case, it is (as far as I can tell) at least very unlikely he didn't do what he was accused of. Cosby/Polanski actually admitted to what they were accused of, and in the case of Cosby he had over 40 accusers.