Jason Legacy

I loved Season 1, and liked Season 2, but things are moving too slowly for me at this point. There's a differences between a slow burn and padding. The first 3 episodes should have been condensed into 2. Still enjoying it over all and love Jimmy/Saul but I'm becoming disappointed with the pace.

Fantastic and heartfelt final episode. I thought it stayed very true to the characters, too. Adapting as best they can to where life sends them, just like the previous seasons really. With a few hilarious moments too. I really loved the final season as much if not more than any of the previous ones.

And listen to any of the 100 million or so of Americans you dismiss as assholes. It's the Sj thought police that are so extreme on the other side of the same coin as Trump.

I hate Trump more than you apparently know. So does Maher. So..yeah.

Or, you can say the Left is in 2 factions: the "freedom of speech" Maher group, and the ultra PC thought Police/SjWarriors. News flash: it's the 2nd group, not the first, that helped get Trump elected!

Come on Bill is a comedian, he's usually trying to be funny and thought provoking. Sometimes he even plays the Devils advocate to advance a topic. Yes he ranks on Muslims more but I've heard him slam Christians innumerable times. As a Christian I don't agree, but I still love Bill. He's mostly progressive and he's a

That line about white men not being allowed to be politically incorrect REALLY bugged me too. It was ridiculous and moronic.

I agree Fallon normalized Trump. So did SNL (pre election) and Matt Lauer. It was sickening to see.

Fallon normalized Trump. So did SNL and Matt lauer. It was all sickening to see. I don't understand how commentators can equate that with Maher letting Milo speak and setting things up for his smarter guests to really lay into Milo later in the show. They're totally different.

It was a great job by Maher. He gave Milo enough rope to hang himself. Maher's not going to attack every guest on his show. He left that to Larry in overtime. The only downside is that the overtime segment wasn't attached to the main show. Taken together no one should have a problem with the way Maher handled Milo.

Assuming here that you're not a Trump supporter. The way I view it is that anyone opposed to Trump and his insanity has a long road ahead. If we can't handle a comedian with generally left views, and we're wasting our time writing bs articles about said comedian being "irrelevant", than we're going to burn ourselves

Bill Maher is one of the top 2 or 3 leading liberal voices in America today. I'd put him up there with Bernie and Michael Moore and a few others. It's sad that too many ultra PC liberals can't take his jokes. If you can't handle a Bill Maher, a true liberal, then you can't handle the real world.

Hmmm since Spector's one of the most widely respected producers ever, probably not (though I'm not a fan and TLAWR hurts). I'd just go with "Formed Audioslave" and leave it at that.

Hmm. AVClub has kind of jumped the shark for me oh well