
This is a horrendous review. Who the hell would give that finale a B+? Seriously? You have 5 (FIVE!) other season 6 episodes with a grade of A or A-. This climax is somehow in the bottom 50% of episodes for this season? Can you be fired? Is this something we can vote on?

Gahhh Colleen. I forgot how much I (and probably everyone else) was crushing on her at the time.

This movie was so fucking good actually. Was not expecting to be that well executed. Besides the obvious animation/voice-acting, the script was near air-tight, and the story was equal parts emotional/hilarious.

1) Portraying Rape Won't Create Rape In Real Life. I know it's easy to be reactionary to something as disturbing as an on-screen rape, especially to victims of rape, but think of it this way: We went for decades before something this violent/sexualized could be on screen, and murder, rape, and war still happened. This

.1) Portraying Rape Won't Create Rape In Real Life. I know it's easy to be reactionary to something as disturbing as an on-screen rape, especially to victims of rape, but think of it this way: We went for decades before something this violent/sexualized could be on screen, and murder, rape, and war still happened.

What you're "missing" is that people are whiny cunts.