
Honestly, I stopped watching Arrow midway through season 3. Should I start watching season 4 again? I've seen the promos, but I'm afraid of getting burned and have missed too much…

Oh, totally, but that romantic hope still didn't work for me. @MeatyStakes:disqus said it best in a comment above. Rebecca has a lot to figure out especially about herself, and Josh is how she's figuring things out. Plus, their intellectual difference is what is making it hard for me to find them compatible, but that

I definitely meant compatible in a romantic sense. The writers seemed to emphasize that Josh was not on the same intellectual level as Rachel, but the random Triangle factory fire comment from Greg seemed a little too on the nose. I hope Rachel and Josh have more honest talks, so she realizes that she's chasing an

Really enjoyed the episode. Particularly the "Settle for Me" number, but that could be the musical theater geek/Santino Fontana fan in me speaking. But I'm wondering what the writers are trying to eventually get to. I mean, this episode is a blatant show that Josh and Rachel are just not compatible. Is Rachel

"The baby has two bodies" line KILLED me last night. Also, nice shout-out to the Sounders! Seattle pride!

I guess I didn't realize how much I adored the season 3 finale because after reading your review, Myles, I don't want to watch the show again if it's not going to live up to the spirit of the the show. Like the love triangle is fine, but the arcs of all the characters are the primary draws of the show for me.

Wow, what a great finale. I hope I wasn't the only one with tears in my eyes during the last minute! I LOVED how it ended with Jenna dancing alone and the voiceover. I think I might rewatch the whole series now…well, except for season 3. I completely understand the necessity of this part of Jenna's journey, the show