
"You seem to believe that women "having someone pay for all their needs" is somehow a privilege rather than a clear symptom of women having been denied the status of a fully autonomous human being. If being under the thumb of a father or a husband for an entire lifetime and having no independent source of income is so

"a bunch of sad, angry men"

You're quite consistent in your first paragraph, but you missed my point. I was saying that men are demonized for saying they don't understand women, but no one ever points out that women are just as likely to specifically reinforce this idea that men are incapable of understanding them.

I've been following the MRM for about three years now, and men's experiences with dating have very little to do with it. The MRM is focused primarily on legal rights and social attitudes. The people can come from any type of worldview and experiences - for example, men that have been screwed over in divorce court,

They're fundamentally different. To conflate them is like a traditionalist conflating MGTOW and feminism because they're both opposed to traditional roles.

You mean anti-PUA or ForeverAlone, not MRA.

Sue: "And if you pull that thread, then it all comes out."

I thought that perhaps the mailbox reading Heck on future Brick's house was the actual Heck mailbox, as Diaper Glossner was dragging it around on the road earlier in the episode. He could very well have dragged it over to Orson Heights, left it, and someone put it upright there.


He could have picked it up from Manny.

In retrospect…

No one said they had a problem.

I don't quite see how Brick figured out in two seconds that Axl's aptitude test results had been switched with another kid, in the first season's "Average Rules", but it took Mike to figure out about Brick being switched with the other kid Tobolski.