
I graduated from High School in 1990, so my teen-angst years perfectly coincided with The Cure's creative zenith in 1987's "Kiss Me" and 1989's "Disintegration". Perhaps if were just a few years older I could appreciate the resistance to these albums, but for me they define The Cure. In more than a few ways, "Kiss

Some people really like the cane whip and later skill weapons, but I'm all about that axe. No hammer, either… just the axe all the way to the end. I rarely even use my gun, mostly just on the big ogre things that are super easy to parry.

Don't feel bad spending time exploring because much needed items and upgrades are hidden throughout the world. And only the "git gud" fanboys worry about being over-leveled. If you feel stuck on a boss, farm some levels. It really makes a huge difference in Bloodborne. And make sure you're upgrading your weapon.

I suspect that Rocket League doesn't appeal to most Souls fans. I have no inclination to play it, personally. My 14 year-old nephew loves it, though.

Yeah. That's why I said "personally, I think it's the easiest of all the Souls games" right in my post.

In my experience, it's not really a skill issue, it's a mechanics issue. Souls games have a long learning curve, meaning that it takes a long time (differs by player, certainly) to get comfortable with your moveset and the enemies' movesets. Dodge too early, dodge too late, don't dodge at all… it just takes time for

I put this basic advice in a response to another poster, but I'll put it out in a comment of its own too. Dark Souls games are very hard. Less than 20% of people who played this game ever saw the final credits, according to PS4 trophies. And what's worse is that they always seem to start out very hard, so you don't

It seems like a lot of people who were watching from the sidelines ended up picking up the game and expecting a masterpiece but were shocked and dismayed by the difficulty and regretted buying it. If you've played other Souls games, this wouldn't be the case, and I personally think it's the easiest of all of the

I didn't play Fallout nearly as much as Elder Scrolls titles, I think my preference has always been sword and shield vs. guns and ammo. My dream title would be another Elder Scrolls game with combat mechanics similar to a Dark Souls game. I guess that would drive away a lot of the audience so perhaps implementing it