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    For the characters, yes, for the story, no. I feel this should've been 8-10 episodes and there are a couple plot points they could've extended, but the big stuff was beautifully concluded in silence.
    Season 2 would be the detective investigating and it becoming "I Know What You Did Last Fundraiser." The ladies deserve

    C+…. really? This is the best movie I've seen this year.

    Frank has really bad jaundice. The yellow in his nails was a great detail. As was the silence when Fiona got read down by the sister.
    I like/love all the characters but my #1 problem with this show is the filler it throws in to give them screen time.

    "“Looking In The Mirror” is about people using sex to solve non-sexual problems. But they aren’t solving them. They’re distracting from them. "