

That's why they said they are looking into his comments being "obscene", there's no Safe Harbor for that. Safe Harbor applies to profanity and indecency. But, still this will go nowhere. What he did doesn't come close to the FCCs own definition of obscenity.

Were you sitting in the audience? No. Then you didn't hear it. You heard about it. And no, there are no laws to protect your sensitive little ears from not hearing stuff like this on television.

Yeah, between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. networks can air profanity or things considered indecent. But, there is no time when it is okay to air things deemed obscene. Fortunately the FCC has on its website what is deemed obscene and Colbert should be just fine. In fact, if they try to fine him I imagine he will fight it.

From the FCC website..

The comment was muted and his mouth was blurred.

So here's the FCC definition of obscene. Colbert should be fine.

I'm actually really enjoying Lethal Weapon. Quite an unexpected surprise. It's not great tv, but it's consistently entertaining.

Im so confused; is this a sequel or prequel to Prometheus, because if its a sequel wouldn't that make Prometheus Alien -2?

Beck. Fine

I loved Wicked, the book! I have not seen the musical and don't have much desire to. I was quite excited when I started hearing rumors of a movie based on Wicked only to realize it will much more likely be based on the musical.

I never liked Cosby. Probably has something to do with being forced to watch The Cosby Show when I wanted to watch Magnum PI or Fall Guy. So I never bothered with his stand up or movies. Yes, I know how petty I can be.

Every time my daughter says doggo I want to wash her mouth out with soap.


And, by the way, water is fantastic!

Well, adding just about anything to Velveeta would improve it.

That actually sounds really good.

I'm 40 and have never eaten (or had the urge to) pimento cheese. Is it more like Velveeta or a cheddar?

I only made it about 2/3 through that "defense" (that's about when I switched over to iSpy; a much more fun video), but it didn't offer much of a defense. I had never heard these guys before and was completely ready to give them a chance (I definitely don't consider my taste in music even "good"), but that (Closer)

Read the headline as "Gerardo acknowledged" and was thinking "why the fuck was somebody interviewing fucking Rico Suave?"