
I use chorizo in a lot of recipes (including my mac and cheese occasionally) and always use the grease. Its the one meat i dont drain off after cooking.

Interesting. Will try.

This was exactly my thought. Aren't nuggets on the 99 cent menu? If I had the the money to throw away I would just buy this guy a 365 dollar Wendy's gift card to make sure we don't hear about this stupid shit again.

Just finished the series and I already miss it. It's definitely in my top 5 best shows. I was so worried they were going to fuck the ending up and have Daniel end up back in prison or dead.

I'm a Christian and I've never seen any of these movies or listen to any commercial Christian music. I tend to think Sunday church is pretty pointless most weeks as well.

If we were a book, would Norman Readus?

I've had his directorial debut (whatever it is) in my queue for months. The description is just so bland that I can't bring myself to watch it.

Exactly what i was thinking. Maybe the movie is set in the future where Trumpcare has gotten rid of Medicare.

I would much rather have a co-worker lecture me on food issues than political issues. Yeah, it may still be annoying, but it wouldnt make me want to hurt somebody.

CBN has been gone a loooooong time. Freeform is a rebranding of ABC Family.

Because of my occasionally weird schedule I do the same thing. Love it.

Nah, S1 of Daredevil was worth watching for Kingpin and S2 was worth it for Punisher.

My penis doesn't look like a small Ferrari, should I be worried?

Yeah, I just bought a 2016 Altima that does 0-60 in about 6 seconds. For less than 20k. I would like to take that S600 for a spin, though.

I finished Infamous Second Son and Saints Row 4 but only because Infamous isn't really that big and Saints Row has you so ridiculously oper powered by the halfway point that it's easy to sail through the rest of it. Batman Arkham Knight is one that while I enjoy the game there is just to much going on. AC Black Flag

Yeah, for tomato I go with canned or Trader Joe's carton (that stuffs really good). I haven't been able to make a good homemade tomato soup. But chicken soup is pretty easy to make and a hundred times better than anything you get out of a can.

I never left without pumping, but I did lose dozens of gas caps and fountain drinks left on the trunk of my car.

I see how they got away with calling the new Jungle Book "live action" as there was one actual real live person in it. But if the movie is 100 percent cgi and we're calling it live action, doesn't that make Toy Story and pretty much every other animated movie from the last decade or so "live action"?

No. I'll google it.

I continue to fail to see how this is live action.