
Yeah, I actually really enjoyed the first one. It wasn't great by any means, but it actually got me excited about more Star Trek. Man, that second one, though; I almost walked out on that one. I would have if I wasn't there with the family. And I'm pretty tolerant, only walked out on a couple of movies in my life.

I've only dumped about 8-10 hours into it, but I love it! It's the perfect game to play for 5 minutes or 45 minutes. I usually play something small like rogue legacy for 15-20 minutes before jumping into whatever big game I may be playing at time (fallout 4).

Yeah, my ps4 backlog is ridiculous right now. I took a break from fallout 4 this week and finished Walking Dead Season 2. I actually had to check and see if I was missing an episode at the end if that. Rented Division; really liked it, but just wasnt sure if it was enough to buy it.
I'm still on the first game of

"the many other characters who arent even introduced until this movie"
Most people dont call two many. It's just Baron Zemo and Black Panther, right? Or am I missing something?

I'm only two episodes in, and I really like the actors. But some of the decisions these people make are mind numbingly stupid. Why did they bury the body (and on his own damn property) instead of I dont know, weighing it down and dumping it in the ocean? Why didnt they just hide the money on the boat? Turn over the

I plead the fifth…

I love my free Jessica Jones theme…wont be changing that anytime soon

I, too, had never seen that. But I must now recommend anybody who has not seen it, go watch it now. I will now give anything they direct a chance, because seriously, wtf?

Yeah…who exactly is the bad guy/guys in this? We know nothing besides this is the suicide squad.

That definitely had something to do with its success, but I think the movie would have done fine on its own. I saw it 3 times, and each time the theatre was filled with 8-12 year olds. The kids loved this movie. They had probably never read the comic and loved the idea of a walking tree and obnoxious little racoon.

I dont know, but Guardians played in theatres here for 5 months. It was still in the cheap theatre a month after blu ray release. I cant remember the last movie I saw do that.

I am sitting on a big game backlog and totally planned on buying the game of the year edition next year, but i dont think i can wait.

Kylo is Leia & Hans son. And probably Reys brother. Rey thinks her brother is dead and has been estranged from her parents since he "died."

Its actually not getting a huge release. A lot of chains are refusing to play it because it is going to vod 30 days after release. It isnt playing at any of the 5 theatres where I live. Same thing happened with the new Paranormal movie. The only theatre it played at was the local cinema saver.

Tits and a puppy, huh? Fine, I'll get the game.

I thought I read Beta Ray Bill was owned by another studio (fox?), and that any Planet Hulk movie would replace him with Thor.
I could be wrong.
I usually am.

From what I've read, Fox gave up the rights to Fantastic Four in exchange for the tv rights. That is a pretty big detail for this article to miss, so I may be wrong.

I think I died to many times in Shadow of Mordor. The guy Im supposed to kill is just so freaking strong and immune to everything. I dont think I have it in me to start over.

I went with ps4 because I had/have a 360. I never played anything on ps3 and was hoping to get some remasters of their more popular games. So far so good. Definitely happy with my choice. I dont play much multiplayer, so what my friends were buying didnt affect my choice.
I will be playing a lot of Star Wars

Ive dated several coworkers…most jobs dont see it as a problem unless you are dating your boss.