
What is ironic facial hair?

The Vile CSU, and he will note abide her spending so much time watching a "sexy, smart-ass, cowboy."

My wife started her masters program, so our bingees of justified are over for now. And I let our netflix expire so I'm looking for new stuff to get into on prime. I started Dollhouse which seems promising. Also a couple seasons into Fringe, but the episodes are really up and down.
Finally finished Far Cry 4

Did a little binge of Justified and will probably watch some more today. I dont know how ive missed this show til recently. But I'm kinda glad to be watching it on prime. At least until now (end of season 2) it has been perfect for binge sessions.

Saw both dope and mad max fury road at the cheap theatre yesterday, loved them both. May go see fury road again while its on the big screen.

I really liked him as Banner, and was pissed when I heard he wouldnt be coming back. Of course now I cant imagine anybody but Ruffalo as Banner

This is the best review I've read for this movie. Im actually kinda disappointed. If you want a fun review for this read moviebobs review. Its his first review I've watched (and I don't know that i would watch any more), but he says pretty much what I assumed about this movie since the first time I saw a preview.

Going to finally finish DA:I. I had been trying to romance Sera, but it's just not going to happen. I'm going to try to get through Far Cry 4, but I'm not sure how close I am to the end. And definitely some Rocket League, that game is definitely good times.

My daughter has been trying to get me to watch this show for 2 years…the first time i bother to look at a review for this show and it gets an F.
Is it a decent show? Or at least bad enough to watch for the reviews? I do like finding shows i can watch with my kid, even if im hate watching (like i do with under the

Letos' Joker will not be whats wrong with this film. Just like Afflecks Bruce Wayne wont be whats wrong with BvS. Leto is a good actor whose Joker could look perfect if hes given the right origin and motivation. I know that part of what made Heath Ledger s Joker so perfect was that he had no origin, but I feel like

Really?! No mention of the villian being named Bald Snatch?! Disappointing! Ah well, good movie.