
The daughter in this movie has nothing in common with the feral kid other than them both being children. She's pretty listless much of the time, actually, which kind of makes her the exact opposite of the feral kid.

lol nice

If there are no safe spaces why should there be any handouts. Stop half assing it, Carolla. Get a real job and save up your money.

Stop, drop, & roll, RDJ! STOP, DROP, & ROLL!!!

If that actually worked I don't think Bill O'Reilly would still be around.

Probably a good thing that she doesn't want to be in the current ones. She's still hot but the age difference might be weird.

Making History was awesome. Hrmph!

Culver's Cod Fillet sandwich is better than any of those, easily.

I think it tastes good and is fairly unique. While complaining about what it isn't you're missing what it is. The chicken isn't soggy or overly crisp. The avocado ranch sauce is delicious. I enjoyed mine and will likely get another. My main complaint is that it's a little smaller than I expected.

Kid Rock wants his dick to go in a lot of mouths. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

can't wait to see him flip the predator. flip it for real.


It's ok, Geraldo. No one takes you seriously anyway.

Bit of a click bait title there…

I really like both of them.

I like Gotham, but not for its intelligence or serious stance on comic books. I like it because it's batshit insane. Now I know why.

I was making a reference. You missed it.

I liked it as well, and was really not expecting to.

They're having Homeland investigate this? Great. Their best agent will probably sleep with the hacker then go off her meds when she realizes her blunder

I feel like we've had articles about this already…