
You seem unnecessarily bitter about something?

You're taking my half serious post and telling me I'm claiming bigotry? I fail to see that anywhere in my comment, nor where I'm trying to force a past relationship that was confirmed by the show's creator?

I hope to have a kid just like BMO

Also the broken up Malachite on the Crewniverse's promo pic gave me pretty different expectations for this episode :P

By the way, for all the hardcore fans, where's a great place for fans to discuss the show and pass around theories and stuff?


Pearl gets more freaking perfect/lovable with each new episode

Best moment came from Pearl at the start of the play. For all her quirks she's a perfect "mom" figure

Tomorrow better be pretty flipping fantastic for this to be the StevenBomb that will kill us

Yellow tail
Yellow diamond
It was there all along!

Also after re watching the episode, it seems like Onion tried to set up Steven hanging out at his house. Wonder why. I can't imagine he just wanted to give Steven an explorer gal

I kinda expected today's to the be the low point so I was pretty happy with it

So yesterday was Garnets feelings on the situation. Today explored Amethyst's. Tomorrow Pearls?

Oooooh there's gonna be some white middle class soccer moms banning some shows tonight

Last episode deserved an A, but apparently this is a world where tonight's episode gets a B and Rising Tides, Crashing Skies gets an A-

Imo Rose is just an unbelievably oblivious character

On another note. The look of absolute terror that Pearl showed once Sugilite appeared, I feel like there's something much deeper there, something darker.

Why can't it be multiple things?

What do you mean? What we know about their interpersonal relationships and back stories made this scenario feel very in-place

We don't necessarily know where the communication hub was located