
I think Waltmobile did it better than I could have in a comment above.

I don't know, I just found it a little humorous that his example was his daughter when she may have been kind of right.

After taking two literature and an art history class, I can guarantee you that there are penises everywhere.

Well we saw in Graybles 1000+ that Starchy escapes from PB's rule. Since he was still in the Candy Kingdom that must have taken place at a later time, meaning PB is definitely gonna be princess again.


I have to say that both episodes, especially HDD, probably have my favorite title cards of the series.

Also! Now that the season has ended, top 5 episodes of said season? Two parters can count as one.

Apparently that pink goo was her parents. And her uncle built the cabin

What an absolute reach.

Yeah the Evergreen comet was definitely the Lich

Also, even though Finn was a catalyst comet in a past life, I found it a bit unnerving that he was totally willing to let the new one hit Ooo and change everything

Dillweeds! Dillweeds everywhere!

Still much farther in the past than the 1800's

So Lincoln ruled Mars since prehistoric times? I wonder what caused him to take a break and rule the U.S. for a bit.

Well PB has been shown to speak German from time to time

The difference between LSP and myself (the only difference)

This had less to do with Gunters hate of PB and way more to do with her supposedly being the most evil creature in existence in my opinion. Also creepy enough, when the cosmic owl looks at Jake upside down he (Jake) speaks backwards and what he says is "say goodbye." He could be a representation of not accepting of

I take a little bit of issue with how it details Starchy's segment. It seems he was running away from motivations much more sinister than just not getting enough respect. It seems he knows a little too much about possible secret PB biz…

Yeah that's what I thought it was as well

I know! I was so hoping we'd get to see her.