
Really hope that the flying mustache we see is just a by product of something stupid Ice King did. It'd be really depressing if the series ends without any redemption for him because that moment basically hinted that there's no hope for him…

"The juvenile BMO loves Chips and Ice Cream, but Finn and Jake just don’t get it, and I can’t help but think that Finn and Jake represent a large portion of the adult audience watching this episode."

Still haven't seen today's new episode, was it any good?

Yeah that threw me for a bit of a loop too. If they looked that noticeably younger in that time frame, how must they have looked even just a hundred years ago when they're supposedly thousands of years old??

And there was totally another subtle moment for Pearl in her trying to appeal to Rose Quartz that she can sing.

Greg's opening number was soooooo anime

I'm happy with this being a thing now. Bring on season 5!

I didn't even think about the ship being a reference to them xD

Seeing some of the names on that list, it was too much :'(

I'll actually give this episode a thumbs up and say it was definitely better than I expected. It made me genuinely laugh quite a bit. Can we talk about how crazy awkward some of Pearl's animations were though? O.o

Eek at me being in the Kurtofsky fan base. Klaine was honestly the most damaging relationship I think I've ever seen portrayed on television. Which I guess fits your point that I would have rather seen Kurtofsky

I agree. Unfortunately male-male relationships are still viewed as more threatening.

Let's hope Adventure Time can pick it up a bit in that regard. I would love to see some kind of non-implicit flashback of PB and M

In the beginning it was that for me. Honestly that's what made the finale so powerful for me. It's been there with me all those weeks and years when I was growing up and still figuring out myself, and for one night I got to look back on all those memories and where I am now and it just felt so rewarding and inspiring.

Anyone else feel Connie was so wrapped up about the anti-authoritarian themes in the books because of her overbearing parents?

I agree that I don't want them to reopen that old wound, but it was certainly NOT the worst thing of the earlier seasons.

Book 2 was just doomed from the start. Nick has been an absolute disaster in regards to its treatment of this series.

Did it really even matter? Whether it was metal or not, if it was able to be bended in it was surely able to be bended out.

But this entire episode was dealing with Pep-But and his affinity for evil. How was this more evidence for Bubblegum?

I think I would have liked this episode more (not to say I didn't like it, I had the same grade as Oliver) if it hadn't been hyped the way it was. Also on the note of the Princess Day DVD, can we all agree that there were much better selections than the ones chosen?