Shaun Jones

he is just a bad superboy clone…… really boring.

the image of her and the trump sign is just cringeworthy, such a terrible show and a perfect example of how NOT to use a show just for the sake of one message, feminism, because even those supporting you all the way will watch the show and say "wait, this isnt remotely like supergirl at all" and see right through it,


Then you have bad taste…… suck it up

what? lol

its been awful for a long time, hence why those that starred in the new ghostbusters reboot got so much hate, cast for being on SNL… just because the original actors where also on SNL…. but it was a much higher standard back then, so it lost ALOT of money when it released this year.

no its not but people love to complain, welcome to hollywood…. its nothing new for men or women.

right yeah, when going to a casting call you know what to expect… so why did she just not go? and if she didnt then why dont more women just not go? sell yourself or dont but either way its their choice not hers.

wait till career is off the ground, then claim rape… not sure thats ever going to go in your favour, not being a dick but report it straight away, dont wait then expect people to just believe you because you have some standing in the movie business, its horrible but im not going to assume something is true just

Go for it, he was the strongest thing about the prequels, the only strong thing infact, and the prequels had liam nesson so thats saying something, DO IT!

very outdated


thought she was terrible personally, totally missed the point of harleys character.

I hope you are kidding, man of steel was bad, BvS was just messy, and suicide squad was a pointless waste of time, bad script bad acting for 90% of the film, bad character building with actors that never even bothered to learn who their characters where before filming.

for me it was generic popcorn fare…… as a comic fan it was utterly butchered.

agreed. and i dont even really like will smith, but he was the only redeemable character in the movie

how did they butcher amanda waller? xD they butchered every other character especially captain boomerang lol

harley was terrible and nothing remotely like harley, and will smith never played deadpool… he played deadshot…. who was nothing like deadshot but was still the better actor of the movie either way.

better than xmen? which one? if you say 3 then ill maybe accept that, otherwise you are out of your mind xD it was pretty bad, badly written, badly acted and mostly pointless storyline that ends abruptly. spend first half putting them in jail to break them out again lol

Oh god no, thats the last thing we need, wannabe harley margot in a punk harley band, no thanks!