Random Access Media

"…insulting caricatures of Spaniards who are supposed to make his protagonists look good."
The main character is an insufferable tight-ass and his cousin mainly just an ass. For the record; Whitman lived there for a number of years and married a local. Nearly all the women are seen to be realists and eminently

The part in the nightclub when the main character is trying his best to dance and his dick cousin (Chris Eigeman) tells the girls the reason he's dancing strangely is because he always wears a series of pain-inducing leather-straps under his clothing is one of my favourite scenes in all cinema.
I randomly found a

all episodes out in the UK at least 4 hours early. happened to look at 8am and they're all just sat there…

who doesn't already know this, honestly?

I find it hard to believe that any review of this film could get by without mentioning that sea battle. It should look ridiculous, but instead remains one of the most unique and mesmerising scenes in all of cinema.