
I saw a double bill with "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" that summer. Also an interesting choice…

Seriously, if we're going to make another Robin Hood movie, then why not go back and draw some ideas from the Errol Flynn movie and make it enjoyable?

Even without Crimea, they still have part of the Black Sea shoreline (at least for now).

That along with the trailer for True Grit was my introduction to Johnny Cash's later recordings.

Unless it was in the late 70s or early 80s I can't see people referring to Lucas as a great director. By 1990, he wasn't directing anything good anymore. Spielberg, maybe.

"Terminators" is already taken.

I hope she appears somehow at least to get a proper send-off. Having her killed off screen (a la "Terminator 3") would be fairly irritating.

I think only one died during the production of the films (Richard Harris) unless I missed something.

He was already set up as a character in ESB, before Ian McDiarmid was signed. (In the original release of ESB, an old woman* played the Emperor, but with the re-release, they inserted McDiarmid.)

Wiz Khalifa's "See You Again" starts up, roll credits.

Jack Nicholson wasn't the original Joker. Cesar Romero was the first screen joker. Also, Nolan's Batman movies were reboots, a new continuity, and not a sequel to the Burton movie.


No, no, no…

Just looked it up - full thing is on Youtube.

He didn't put it like that. He threw in the wrong name without comment: "What's the matter with Wolfie?"

May be a minority opinion, but I think ToD is not just the weakest of the first three movies, but of all four movies. I'll put it below "Crystal Skull" which at least had some decent parts such as Cate Blanchett hamming it up.

A week or two ago I heard rumors that she was rumored for Secretary of the Interior. At least she's probably not getting a cabinet position.

Tim Curry for the villain, obviously. Bonus points if they just use his VO from Fern Gully.

What about someone drawing a graphic tee or a necklace on a fictional woman in an illustration?
