
I would love love love for the next season to begin with a cold open of Balon waking up to a nice day and having breakfast and then telling someone he's gonna go for a walk. And right as he walks across the rope bridge, a gust of wind throws him off, and the camera just stays on the rope bridge still swaying in the

Dude, I never watch the Previously On's because they've been spoiling stuff by association since Lost

Well, I won't forgive the writers for that line. But I will say that they didn't have much to work with from the source material to make the Sand Snakes compelling characters. They didn't do much of anything in either version.

Eh, Cersei doesn't need sympathy. Bane will win her trial of combat, she'll rain fire down on the Faith Militant, and then she'll return to being Queen Bitch until Kevan finally realizes she needs to be shipped off to Casterly Rock.

The one with Davos in it

Everybody knows the last two books were pretty poorly written, right? The characters essentially became teenagers in their internal monologues. You only remembered that Tyrion was intelligent when he spoke to people.

they'll suddenly remember that the Lightning Lord's power was essential to the story, not just for Zombie Catelyn. Now for Jon.

Yeah, when he did that weird sighing moan, I totally believed he got messed up. We needed more of warrior Stannis and less of crazy, unredeemable Stannis.

It's the only game I've 100%ed because it's super easy to restart and try different playstyles. If you haven't already, please please do a run to get the Mostly Flesh and Steel achievement. You can't buy any upgrades or use any powers or upgrade Blink. Just use weapons and see how fast you can get through it. After

YES!!!!! It looks amazing!

Please Dishonored 2, please Dishonored 2.

You either just knew that to respond instantly or this has been said before. Anyway, it won the Grammy for Song of the Year in '95. I'll add that in an edit.

"Streets of Philadelphia" - Bruce Springsteen

Don't even need to click on the link to upvote

I've heard from several people that that was the best theatrical production they've ever seen.

But motorcycles are traffic jam-proof

You're a bit late for the hate train

Her picture was on the top of the front page, so the damage had already been done. Wanted to see if I was crazy for thinking this was a massive, unnecessary spoiler. It appears I was not.

Fuck all of us on the west coast, I guess

I know, it's amazing, right?