
The early release of the pilot frustrated me because this is the ideal series to binge.

"Can we please keep him?"

Tony Hale secured the Emmy nod for that scene, but Richard was my favorite in the episode.

I imagine Barristan. Mostly because I miss him.

hands crumpled note


More useless than Jaime's


Meanwhile, on a completely different show:

A lot of us with screwy bowels are decent peopleā€¦

Arya is basically a surrogate.

Every Lannister will die except for Jaime and Tyrion.

When I visit my parents' house, they either have The Office or The Andy Griffith Show playing.

Oh, hey. I finished Banshee. Thanks for the rec, I loved it.

Now that the hype dust has settled, will people admit that this episode was just okay?

Call it The Bechdel Strain

Cousin Orson Lannister. I'd smash every fucking beetle in this show.

I just wanted a spin-off series with the NSA boys from The Good Wife.

Well nobody had said "cock" in the episode yet and I was getting pretty nervous that nobody was going to say "cock" at all, in the whole episode.

No, definitely not.