
Oh, I don't mean it as an indictment of Beth's decision making. I just think it's really weak storytelling. I don't think the show put in enough thought and effort to earn our investment in what was happening.
I think it would have been much better served to have her show very little reaction (if they must) but then

I don't think so. First of all, asking questions is natural, not asking them might seem more suspicious. And second, that's only a good reason not to ask Dawn questions.
But she doesn't even ask Noah or the doctor (whom she trusted at the time) any of those common sense questions.
Even if she had a reason not to ask

That is never stated, nor shown. We never see people just surviving or just living there. All we're ever shown is people getting fixed up. And nobody ever says "yeah we fix people up so that we can have a safe life here."

But what do they actually DO there? Steal/save people so they can help support their ability to steal/save more people…who give them more ability to save/steal more people? What do people there DO?

Does it not bother anyone else that we have NO idea what they actually DO at the hospital? Or how many people are there? Or that Beth never even ASKED?! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!!