

That's a genius idea

Sorry for your loss.

Married 25 years here & I totally agree with your comment. I was cringing through that whole scene.

It looked pretty comical to me too

Me too. I thought it was fantastic and a great send off for a terrific actress & character

I disagree with the author about Rickon's death. I guess since I am a dedicated book reader, it gutted me. I was sobbing and had to rewind to watch what happened after. I do agree that the writers should have given him another scene or 2 this season but it killed me.

Totally agree. I'm committed to finishing the series though. The American story is a snooze fest

I want to punch the stupid Prince every time he says Mark me. It's been driving me nuts all season, so glad it was brought up. The last scene was way too heavy handed to me also

She was Dexter's nanny for God's sake!!!

Mine too! But they were all from me. No one else in my family cares about GoT

Me too

I thought that was a great addition! Very 20th century

I don't understand how a judge would put Chuckie in jail. Obviously he had no idea what was being done to him. Wouldn't that and the fact that he has a low iq keep him out of jail????

I had a baby the day before LLL aired and my labor was eerily similar to the poor character that died. My family & I were big fans of ER and they all told me afterwards that they were so happy the episode didn't air before I had my horror day of labor because they were freaking out the whole episode.

This whole season is a goddamn retread!

I would watch the hell out of this ^