Young Roddy

"Military gags between Ted and Robin worked on HIMYM" alright it was one episode don't act like it was a running gag that worked really well or something.

I'm with you man, I watched season 1 straight through in one sitting, so I'd say I was immediately hooked. I do think in it's three season run though that season 2 was the peak.

The best episode of the season! C+ is bullshit for this one, usually I'd be right there with you, but this episode was non-stop hilarity.

I like HBO too but I don't suck it off and let it come on my face like you lot who made the list

but seriously, it's not like he's funny or anything, he's handsome…but im straight guy so i dont really care about that

It was weak, looked weaker because it followed so many great episodes. The guy from parks and rec had me laughing every scene he was in, wouldn't mind seeing him a few more times.

Too much emotion for me, they keep trying to make me cry and I'm just not having it. Way too little reverse flash in an episode about him.

Oh man, I couldn't tell you why I read all three volumes of it when I hated it. I'm not saying the new Young Avengers was that bad….I would never say that. I don't think any Young Avengers were in AA though, however Runaways characters were and that really pissed me off

I have not, I'm on 43, I read 41-43 in single issue, decided id wait for the trade and haven't picked it up yet…im guessing I need to do that asap?

I feel the exact same way. McKelvie has made a fan for life. Some of the layouts are so creative they put big ass smiles on my face. My favorite "oh shit thats cool" was when they when loki and billy were just walking across the panels and climbing down them. It was just so interesting and I've never seen anything

To be fair, Chew is declining in quality, it's no longer as good as it was in it's first 4 or 5 volumes. Still better than some stuff on here though. Lazarus I loved but I thought Revival was…I don't even know, I just didn't like it, thought it was trying to do to much with too little.

well this has been fun, get back to me when you're ready to be more civil

Oh man I love Runaways! I guess I just hate Gillen's teenspeak…I am a huge Vaughen fanboy as well. Don't let me turn you off cause it seems that everbody else in the world like young avengers but me.

don't be snobby, it's immature, there's no reason we can't talk about this like adults….and no Gillen's "teenspeak of pop culture regurgitation" is not authentic, it is the farthest thing from the way teenagers speak to each other, teenagers are regular human people who speak just like anybody else.

I see this being said everywhere but I think it's the farthest thing from the truth. Teens are more than just pop culture references. All of his characters are archetypes of some sort and nothing more. He destroyed years of characterization done on the young avengers. He just takes a bunch of teenagers, gives them a

This list is kindaaa bullshit! You don't care about content at all, you just care about what series had the most interesting premise. And although you're right to say it's the year of Image, you're wrong to use that as a reason to not include Marvel and DC books. you have three of each and it feels more like you were

Futuristic Western. So if you like something along the lines of Firefly you might like this. It's very much a Sci Fi book

This list pretty clearly bullshit. Instead of Best Comics of the Year is should read Most Interesting Ideas in Comics this Year.

Dude that's seriously awesome!! I love knowing that the comic industry is growing quite a bit these days.

I just read through Gillen's Young Avengers and he's a piss poor writer, while McKelvie's art is fucking amazing, so proceed with caution when you read The Wicked + The Divine