Young Roddy

You say tomato, i say tomato (huh, that doesn't work when you write it down ). I do however think saying that they have different perception of events is what I was trying to convey when I said different memories. My point is really that the two have different halves of the episodes have started to really make less

I just can't respect this List with Staples, RTJ, and Rashad being on here but No Pinata, which is just easily the best hip-hop/rap album of the year

At what point does Noah and Allison's never-the-same memory gag get old? About 3 Episodes ago. But seriously, it's getting annoying how unrealistically dissimialr the two's memory's are. Your mind does warp a memory, from just one or so years ago, THAT much. It's just bullshit. It's a gag.

Is this even worth betting on anymore or is it just blatantly obvious? But on a serious note, my issue with all of this is that it came up back in, what, episode 1 or 2 (?) as a theory and then it just wasn't touched on or hinted at in any episode up until now. It just shows that for all that this show is doing right,

I believe Bruce's knee is hurting before Scott is dies

noooo no no no nono no NO NO

YES YES YES! this reviewer just looks for flaws to undercut any episode, even if they aren't there. A voice-over at the beginning about wanting family time followed by an episode where the family is constantly concerned with the idea of sticking together…how does that not line up? I'm just not a fan of this reviewer

I'm glad you also think Blackish is the best new sitom on TV but god damn if you don't show it with your reviews. This episode, for example, had me laughing non stop from start to finish. every single joke landed and that at the least gives it an A-. But every week you sandbag a good episode, you always find a reason

I can only imagine how many people graded this without having watched more than 5 minutes of it, if even that much

Barry did you really just try to one up the death of his mother

I'm not being a douche this thread is literally fucking nonsense

What ever did happen to Anna and Zoe? they kind of just disappeared

Don't expect this from all TV show threads. New Girl and Mindy are pretty good but a lot of them do delve into the same meme and gag bullshit you'd see elsewhere

"this is pube, pubeless, and bush. Bush is a Kennedy"

Turn back now people this thread is just feminist angst

got em!! but for real the show aint changed that much, butthurt feminists in the comments section right now. You can be angry with the episode but stop acting like the show has just completely changed gears this season, its not true

it was funny, THIS A SITCOM PEOPLE

yeah cause friends don't get into huge spats out of nowhere………