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    As a viewer, and sci-fan this definitely something I want. Of course to each his own, but if someone doesn't like it that doesn't mean it's a bad show. I think it just means it wasn't for you

    I can't help but thing that the sense of frustration was done with purpose. If the show was like every other piece of well crafted visual art it would simply blend into a sea of well crafted visual art. I think the editing contributed to the bingeable nature of the show. It was different, it was sci-fi, I feel like it

    I would believe this if the creator of the show did not already tell us the show is about near death experiences.

    I agree with you to an extent Paracelsus, but at the same time I understand frustration with the outrage as well. Just because something has happened or could happen should not be cause for outrage. we weren't outraged when the movie flight 93 came out, and it depicted a specific terrorist attack that actually

    She is not the only writer, and she admits that she and co writer spent a lot of time writing the show without the notion that she would be the one playing the role.

    This is perfect!! everyone is so caught up in the flaws that they seem to overlook this portion of the entirely. I could not have said it better myself. I loved the show as a whole. It did have it parts where I was kind of like huh?! in my opinion a good show makes you feel, it captivates you, it makes have to see the