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    I also find this funny… to wit, I'm often asked if I'm a Marine after a session at a range (haircut, fitness, tattoos, uh… white guy, maybe tight groupings on the long range rifle stuff? I don't know), and then asked (without awaiting my response) about some rightwing bullshit. When I am dealing with firearms, I

    What this misses, and it doesn't really miss much, is that the types of characters in Sunny are better as caricatures. That's the thing that happens in lazy-ish writing. A character "Flanderizes" or, more to the point, becomes a "That's so Samantha" type person. The writing gets lazy. For example, the first two

    He was born of an omelet…

    There's a few places in Denver that have been doing it (cream cheese on hot dogs) about as long… maybe they got it from Seattle, but I kind of doubt it. Being originally from Chicago all other cities that aspire to hot dog glory just seem like posers. :-P

    A lack of sense of humor is kind of shot through many hardcore acts (of all stripes). Almost a reaction to the tongue-in-cheek shenanigans of Botch (who were amazing) and others… I'm looking at you, ETID. Weekend Nachos might be your bag (though they called it quits last year) if you like powerviolence. KEN Mode is

    What, are you stuck in the middle?

    I'm not going to bother watching this, but Joe's mustache looks very G.G. Allin-esque. I doubt he knows who that is…

    I don't know who started the "trend" of funny song titles. Karp? Lync? Somehow I think David Yow & Co kicked off that trend.

    Best line from 061502, paraphrased "We've always demanded high quality heckling and you have failed to deliver. I'm chubby. Tell me about it!"

    Never heard that. HUM was kind of just fuzzed out, spacey, post-hardcore. MM no way. No odd time signatures, though MM did come from the same Tacoma/Seattle "scene" (if you will), but a lil bit earlier. Now there is a (stupidly) subtle distinction between what was called "mathcore" and "math rock" though. These

    Botch was the best. I'd point new listeners to 061502 (and especially if you're willing to listen to the commentary track). One of the things that is perhaps missed in this piece is that Botch was funny. Too many of the "new hardcore" bands were quite serious (this is alluded to with regards to Victory and

    Lies. Old Dutch makes the best ketchup chip (I just brought three bags back).

    What's perhaps taken as a priori is the persistent calls of "sellout" at every stage of their career. They got flack for even signing to Fat Wreck Chords (such memorable lines as "Fat Mike can suck my Fat Chubbie" are documented in the tour doc "We're Never Going Home"), angry kids stole the masters to "Searching For

    A few bars have bottles of things like '72 National Distillers produced Old Grand Dad… that is definitely top shelf bourbon.

    Only Lonely Island Movie? Did you miss Hot Rod?

    Some of it is rather subjective, and not being much of a Blink fan post Dude Ranch, I'd argue that while AK3 is loosely described as "pop-punk" they have a bit more of a gritty quality to their music which is one of the reasons (for me) that those songs still hold up. (Surprisingly, their last record is a welcome

    I was going to point that out… kind of silly how it's trying to imply that all the burgeoning musical movements are somehow touched by American Century, but oh well.

    I had this same thought… while cutting out the "revenge" bit and just ending with Robyn leaving Simon while his life continues to unravel would have been good, it doesn't fully explain Gordo. As an aside, Dowd did not mention that he was up to the same tricks in his new job and got caught, at least once for it. As

    I would have slotted Lie For a Lie, Big Dipper, Joyride, Twin Falls… okay there are too many good BTS songs. One thing about Goin' Against Your Mind, aside from being epic, is that it's basically THE quintessential BTS song, from the anti-macho funny lyrics to the music… I never found it cocky live, more just like