Uh, Dawn, can we at least take turns slapping Beth?
Uh, Dawn, can we at least take turns slapping Beth?
Poor, poor Gillian. Innards gone, heart crushed, no spark left. Burn in hell, Nucky!!!!
So, has Maggie developed amnesia re Beth? Never mentions her, doesn't think about ways to find her, just tabla rasa on her sister.
What do you mean "we didn't think you'd taste very good"??? Dark meat is always the most flavorful and juicy. Cannibal cuisine FAIL!
Ghost Rothstein: "Yes, yes please do gag him. His singing brings to mind utter unpleasantries and is not even fit for this house of ill repute in which I now find myself."
Hey, fella, how about you quit doing the backstroke on the pavement and, oh I don't know, GET UP AND RUN!
He had 20 minutes before the walker even got to him!
Ghost Rothstein: "I do believe you intend to engage in some monkey business with these harlots. I shall say my goodbyes and reappear when things are more cordial."
I never seem to be able to buy in to the Abbie/Jenny relationship. Abbie seems like an emotional dum dum and there doesn't seem to be any real connection between the characters, or actors, or something. Just not feeling it.
I'm certain he's thinking, "torture 2-for-1, sign me up!"
"What sort of gentleman keeps rope in his desk?"
Do I sense an Outlander/50 Shades crossover?
I vote we follow the book version then!
Damn, I'm practically caved in on myself on my couch out of pure anxiety from that last scene. Kill Black Jack, kill him with fire!
It sounds like a perfect fit, as long as you're cool with more bodily fluids on it when it's returned…
So, we started the season with Chalky as a lumberjack. Dexter's radius of influence is ever-widening. SURPRISE, MUTHAFUCKA!
Did I ask you about your feelings?
"When she says she's not alone, it means she's sleeping with someone. How altogether unsavory."
Where do I get one of those Cuban puffy shirts? I have a job interview this week and I just KNOW wearing one of those bad boys is the ticket!
OK, Finale: Yakuza show up, mortally wound Sookie, Beeehhyulll then makes Sookie a vamp-fae, Blonde-for-no-reason-Newlin saves Beeeehhhyull, then Newlin and Sookie team up to save all vamp-kind with fae/vamp/newlin blood. ((I really, really, really wanted Beeehhyull to go all goo-splooge, but I don't see it…
I just kept yelling "GOOOOO!" at the TV, hoping he would go all vamp goo when he was in bed with sookie, when he was sleeping, when he was walking toward Sarah Newlin, when he said "no." WHY DOES HE NOT GOOSPLODE!?!?!
Can we get Franklin back? Franklin was the best.