
Grow a pair, Internet.

That'll do Internet.. that'll do

Keep fucking that chicken, Internet!

You're a real peach, Internet.

I think it's time we saw other people, Internet.

Internet! You have some 'splainin to do.

What if Comedy Central just found a cat, got him a little suit and a tiny desk and just played 20 minutes of cat footage every night? I'm sure PETA will love it.

You're on some next level pop culture references. Mad respect.

I don't pay you to learn young man!

What about Geraldo Rivera in a fat suit? The possibilities are endless.

We have the technology now to resurrect George Carlin and let him host, right?

HAHAHAHA it's funny because it's depressingly true

They probably watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Like a lot.

From Weezy's lips to God's ears

Internet… your mother and I just wanted let you know how incredibly proud of you we are. You've grown into a fine young man. I see big things in your future. Just know that if you need anything at college this year you can call all us at any time. Your mother packed your favorite Power Rangers socks and some extra

Huh? Please explain your comment in 500 words or more. Essay should be double spaced, 12 point font. Preferably Times New Roman. But, Helvetica is cool too. Don't forget to include an interest catcher and solid thesis statement. Extra credit if you can use all the SAT vocab words we went over this week. All essays

Good hustle, Internet!

I thought Dennis Miller was in a cave somewhere curled up in the fetal position mumbling about how if we keep eating french fries then the terrorists will win.

I'm a liberal, and that's accurate as shit

They had a Wye Oak song on The Walking Dead?! What episode? I don't remember. I love Wye Oak.