
On a side note, did anyone see that crazy ass Yale vs. Dartmouth basketball game today? Shit was poppin'.

I will forever be grateful to Aziz for bringing the world some of the best celebrity stories ever. Jay-Z at the party? Kanye West and his dope ass telescope? R. Kelly and his spotlight penis? 50 Cent and a grapefruit? The man is a genius.

This show seems like it's trying sooooooooooo hard to be important.

Agreed. Watch any documentary about creating sound for films and especially for animated movies and prepare to have your mind blown.

The ESPYs take a big ol' dump on the MTV Movie Awards in my opinion.

I agree about Inarritu and McQueen. But, those nominations I listed were hypothetical since Mr. Turner wasn't nominated for Best Picture at all. I didn't mention Birdman because it's an excellent movie and was talking about the worst case scenario. My main worry is that with fewer slots then the Academy will go back

"This Is Not Happening" has become my favorite way to consume comedy lately.

I don't know why everyone feels the need to defend Louis Armstrong. He was, is and always will be a legend. His legacy speaks for itself. He elevated jazz to a whole new artistic level and is probably among the greatest trumpeters in history. He also had a unique and interesting singing voice. It wasn't necessarily

Those trash piles won't film themselves

This show does sight gags extremely well. Like Oliver still yelling YAS QUEEN! from the other room when his mom gets home, when Oliver slaps the plug out of that woman's hand at the coffee shop, and of course Abbi's Chex Mix coke head scene. The list goes on and on.

Mitt Romney would love milk. That crazy motherfucker

Ew the little breads are gross. It's all about the pretzels and the chex

Hahaha story of my life

He was kind of spoiled, but in the good way.

I don't know dude that Kenny G solo when Julianne Moore accepted her award was pretty sweet.

What shows are you talking about?

Him and Hannibal hosting together would blow my fucking mind

This is never going to happen, but I think Dave Chappelle would make an awesome Oscar host. Who better to get the Academy voters' tightey-whiteys in a bunch.

When Abbi and Trey were arguing in her cloffice and kept moving around I almost squirted milk out of my nose I was laughing so hard.

This album feels like it pays tribute to old school NYC hip-hop like Nas, A Tribe Called Quest, and Pete Rock & CL Smooth while also carving a new path. In other words, it's dope.