
Interstellar DOES NOT deserve a Best Picture nomination

I agree about Rene Russo. And nominating Meryl Streep for practically every role she plays is starting to get old.

Wouldn't have been upset to see Gone Girl and Nightcrawler included as the last two Best Picture nominees to bring the total to ten. Also, I still believe that the Academy should expand the Best Actor and Best Actress categories to 8 or 10 max slots. The Best Actor noms are good this year, but I would've added Jake

Bitches be trippin', amirite?

Huh? What? Huh?

That granny shot was baller

I'd take Farley to be my lawfully wedded gigowife

I'm sorry this review felt like "blah blah blah". I'm glad Parks and Rec is back.

Was looking for a name for my son. Found it.

There is a flipside to this. All these colorists have been going with the orange and teal trend in movies for years now. It's sad. For every creative, passionate film colorist there's probably like 50 other ones sitting on their asses eating a donut while pressing the orange and teal button for every frame.

Deadmau5 is so so bad live

What does a movie have to do to get an A- or an A rating on here? Bake some pot brownies for The AV Club staff?

Thrivin' and survivin'

Who deleted The Yawn's original comment? The Yawn is enraged. The Yawn will now destroy this world through the horror of nu metal. The Yawn will release his child Fred Durst upon this earthly plane. With Fred Durst's powers of extreme beer ponging, shotgunning, negging, rhymin' and general fratitude no one can stand

Oprah said in the trailer that The Hundred Foot Journey was the most important film of this generation. Steven Spielberg just kinda sat there and nodded nervously.

They could settle their differences through a musical number.

Eric Church is somewhat along those lines. He can hang with the mainstream while being distinct enough to be interesting and memorable.

That song used to be a guilty pleasure of mine, but now I'll just admit I love it

How to right a top 40 country song in 2014-15 (A recipe)

That sounds… pretty mystikal