
It isn't so much the grade that bothers me (although if this isn't better than a B- then I don't know what it is) it's the way Phil writes these reviews like he hasn't written a thing in his life before. No detailed analysis, no interesting observations, nothing. Just a couple of paragraphs filled with goofy nicknames

After reading most of his reviews, I'm officially putting Phil on my "don't want to have a beer with this person" list.

It's funny cause the plane is his penis

Bob Dole deserves nearly as many jokes as George Bush. Let's get those numbers up people!

Tran-formers: Age of Gender Confusion

So that's what they did with all the Bubble Tape from my childhood!

Just because you can have a pointless after-show doesn't mean you should have a pointless after-show.

That last paragraph alone read like something a pissed off middle schooler would write if he was forced to do an essay by his English teacher.

I know Teen Wolf doesn't feature Emmy quality acting or incredible production values, but the show has shown marked improvement since it's first season. So at this point I'm starting to get annoyed by how sarcastic and flippant the reviews have been lately. I too was a little confused the last couple of episodes, but

I don't expect her to become a full time cast member on Parks & Recreation when she's busy working on Orphan Black. But, it seems pretty pointless to set Tom up with her and make it fairly believable and then just conveniently send her off to Africa for the rest of the show's existence. Maybe if they had her show up

I don't like either one that much. Kendrick Lamar by far crafted the better album in 2012. It was more challenging lyrically, spiritually, sonically, and politically. He doesn't pull punches like Macklemore. Swimming Pools alone made that album a classic.


Kanye says as he goes out and buys another $5000 pair of Versace loafers. I have an extremely hard time taking him seriously anymore. He's basically so far up his own ass now that he's hanging out in his stomach

Ever since Biebs got in a fight with a glass door in 2010 and lost, it's been a downward spiral from there.

AC/DC: Back in Braff

You sound like you're a riot at parties


Needs more contrast

I wonder how much VapoRub Lydia goes through each day?